Meeting with Parents – Jan 2016

Kosorl met with students’ parents to let them know about MHC’s latest project.  While classes are currently held in the Government School, a new classroom building is planned.  This will be built on land donated by Kosorl’s parents.  It will be a simple structure, made of bamboo and thatch.  Parents were asked to be involved by supplying the bamboo and palm leaf and to assist with the construction.  It is hoped the project will start by mid-year, after the land has been filled.  Parents though the project was a good idea and are happy to be part of the new adventure.  If you would like to be part of building the new school, providing much needed funds by sponsoring a wall, floor, or any part of the building, contact us by Facebook: Mother Home Cambodia Organization.  More information will be available once plans have been drawn and an estimate of cost has been done.  Sample of how the school will look is shown here.

Parents Meeting 2016

Parents Meeting 2016